A event website design named as Ultimate female fighter reunion for UFC. UFC has a documentary name the ultimate fighters and the Ultimate Fighter Season 20 in 2014 is the first episode to feature only female fighters. 2024 is the tenth year from 2014, this is a imagined event planning aims to celebrate the extraordinary route of all female athletes with in the last 10 years.

I've studied in mixed martial arts since middle school, which led me to admire UFC athletes. While I don’t watch often, I’ve seen how female fighters face both praise and criticism. This project aim to challenges outdated perceptions and highlight that female athletes are just as skilled, powerful, and deserving of respect as their male counterparts.
When researching about the brand, what really stood out to me was their commitment to public service, youth advocacy, equality and overcoming adversity. Some people see UFC as a so called "cruel sport," these socially responsible focuses are what being under estimated.
After several interviews, 3 user archetypes was created. Ideas of topical athletes with heart-touching personal story is what a lot of audiences care about the most.
From there, I did a affinity map on the potential themes through highlights UFC's social commitment and what may be most meaningful to the brand and the audience.
This Initial brand language development focused closely relate to UFC's current language, lacking a core main idea that different the event from all the other ones.
The low-fidelity was really focused on showing the ten year idea in a traditional website way, but it lacks the core of UFC and the uniqueness of female fighters.